Sunday 21 March 2010

Costa Minimal Surface

Force Density (Using the Mesh Vertex Repel command)

Grasshopper Definition     

This definition calls on the ggForceDensity Relax functionality to compute a minimal surface discovered by Costa.  This command doesn't compute minimal surfaces for all mesh, but at least seems to give a reasonable impression for Costa Minimal Surface.

Here's a generic model to also test it.

Grasshopper Definition     

Note, that unless you have a quick computer (or a lot of patience), it's probably worth disconnecting at the Mesh component (or disabling) and previewing the surface if you wish to adjust the sliders for variations.

Arc Poly Curve Extrusion boundary Minimal Surface

Grasshopper Definition

There is also capability to restrain mesh vertex to nominated points, curves and surfaces.  Some examples demonstrating this will be posted soon.


  1. hey Jon,I just started using Geometry Gym Im trying to check out your definition of the MeshRepelVertices for the Costa Minimal Surface, but Im getting a null result in the "mesh" output of the sdrMinShapeMesh component, can you help me out??

  2. Hi Luis,

    I have checked the definitions again, and all seem to be working. You probably need the license, run the rhino command sdrZZLicenseRequest as outlined in installation instructions here:

    Cheers, Jon

  3. Hi Jon! These posts are very useful for me and in my opinion you did a very hard work! But in this case i'm gonna asking you if you can help me or just indicating where can I find some proper tutorials to follow step by step in grasshopper plugin to do the connection between these circles (trying making a model like this for a competition). Basically I'd like to connect different splines between them with this system and i never ever tried to do it....I mean the connection between the buttons in the canvas. Hoping you've few minutes to spend for me!
    Thank you very much indeed!

    1. Can you please install Bullant ( ) and then email me the model you are attempting to solve?



    2. thak u Jon I solved it! Thank you very much agin! :)

  4. Hi Jon, I'm an UGENT-student and I just started using Geometry Gym. Im trying to check your definition for the second surface, the generic minimal surface but I can't find the function that turns all the cilinders trough eachother into the smooth blue surface you posted there in a Rhino-file. Can you help me out?


  5. Hi Matthias, I'll email you about this.
