Thursday 27 September 2012

Grasshopper to Vasari

Thanks to Lilli Smith (and her Autodesk Colleagues) for arranging a very interesting Vasari Webinar discussing some of the different developments to link Grasshopper to Vasari.

The panelists were myself demonstrating the OpenBIM approach using IFC4, Hiroshi Jacobs presenting Chameleon, Tim Meador demonstrating HummingBird and Nathan Miller showing his OpenNurbs importer.

If you missed it, you can watch it here:
Or the individual playlists are here.

I'm sure this is the start of the discussions, so keep an eye on the Vasari and Grasshopper forums.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

IFC Importer for VASARI

Vasari Beta1 was released a couple of weeks ago, and last week the SDK that I set about adjusting my Revit IFC importing code for.

I've just uploaded the first public installer,

Here's an example model to start testing.
Grasshopper Definition   IFC File

You can nominate site longitude and latitude and also building storey levels.  Conceptual masses can also be nominated, this example uses a loft/sectioned spine.

There's lots more improvements and features to add, let me know what you'd like to see and I'll try to prioritize it.