Tuesday, 16 December 2014

The Poppy - Shrine of Remembrance Melbourne

Here's a stunning success of the Grasshopper to Analysis/BIM workflows with the assistance of the Geometry Gym tools.

John Noel of Irwin Consult in Melbourne emailed me earlier today with some images of a stunning feature recently added to the Melbourne Shrine of Remembrance.

Here's some images by John Gollings which are featured on the Irwin website and this article.

I look forward to visiting this in my pending return to Victoria.  You can read more about the details of this project at the  ARM Architecture website and Irwin Consult website.  Grasshopper, GSA and Revit were involved in the design and documentation of this stunning feature.

Congratulations to all involved.  If you've work that's published/built and it involved the Geometry Gym tools, please let me know and I will be glad to promote it on the blog.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

IfcScript Introduction

It's an honour to have the work I've done as an early adopter of IFC4 recognized by Building Smart International.

With the library of c# code that I have for importing and exporting IFC4, I've been working on a project for Building Smart to generate sample IFC4 files.  These are small unit tests that highlight a particular aspect (or comparison) of the schema, concentrating on new features and aspects of IFC4.  This includes shape representations such as nurbs and triangulated face sets, cardinal points, reinforcing and new standard case classes.  Now that the bulk of the project has been set, it should be easy to add many more.

Here's an introduction to the project.

It's using my c# library as a means to generate and export the IFC files, but the scripting aspect of it is opensource on github, you can access it here.  https://github.com/BuildingSMART/IfcScript

What's nice with the scripting approach to generating the examples is that examples can be kept in a consistent style, with common changes swept through them.  The scripts can also be built across different schema (including IFC2x3, IFC4 and IFC4 addendum 1) although I still need to enable some exceptions to be thrown when invalid classes are called on.

It's been a good opportunity to polish my library as an API, and it also serves as some good examples of how to use my c# library as an API.

If you'd like to get involved or test this, please don't hesitate to contact me.  And if you have more requests/suggestions for further examples, then do let Building Smart or myself know.